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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Changing the plan up

Todays workout ended up a lot different than what the plan was. I wantedto ride my bike about 10 miles and do a bunch of exercises with my TRX suspension straps. I got about a quarter of a mile away and another spoke on my back wheel broke which made it really annoying to ride. So I carried/rode home. I then tried to break the spoke off with some pliers but was unsuccessful so I walked to my car got some wire cutting plier and got the spoke off. Then I went to the RPAC for squats, glute-hams, pullups, and ran a mile. Supper was spring mix with steak, carrots, italian dressing, and a few croutons.

I have been thinking about how many leadboxes to order and where I will try to place them once they arrive. I have a list of about 40 different places where I would like to place my lead boxes.

I have a very extensive to do marketing list with about 85 things on it total. I know what I need to do it is just a matter of doing it. Hopefully as I do more of the things on my list I will start getting clientele so I can do what I know and love which is training.
