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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fitness Business One year from now!

One year from now I would like to have a successful training business one which can make me money and function without me even being there. I want it to be more tthan a job. I want it to be a lifestyle or calling. I want to help people with real problems. I don’t want to exclusively train people that are allready in good shape. I want to train and help people truly improve there standard of living. I want to train people with real problems such as obesity, arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, people coming back from Cancer, and women trying to lose the baby weight. Somewhere in there I will find my target market maybe my target market is just special populations in general. I don’t know yet but I do know that I have not found it yet. One year from now I would like to have joint partnerships with Doctors, Physical Therapists, Chiropractor’s, OBGYN’s, and Orthopedic Suregons. I would like to have partnerships with the Stephanie Speilman Foundation, MS groups of Central Ohio, as well as different weight loss groups. I would like to have at least two more certificates to help me get referrals in this realm one from The American Society of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Specialized Fittness for Older Adults Certificate from The International Sports & Sciences Association (ISSA). I have a big plan on how I am going to start getting referrals from Doctors. Stay tuned for more information.I would also like a Youth Sports and Conditioning Certificate to be more qualitfied to train Middle School and High School Athletes. I would like to convey my extensive training knowledge particularly to soccer players. I would like to get athletes on the exact same level as a World Record Powerlifter who is my direct competion and see if my athletes improve more than his.I would like to net at least $52,000 per year. I would like to quit discounting my services to the point where it is practically impossible for me to make money. I would like to have 5 solid funnels for getting new clients on a regular basis:1. Client Cloner System2. People at Ultimate Sports Center3. Mobile Marketing (magnetic signs)4. Networking with existing contacts5. Fundraisers using plastic gift cards I would like to get the respect and referrals that I believe I am capable of getting. I know that if I deliver the kinds of workouts I am capable of giving taht I will have raving fans, have them referring me boatloads of new clients, accompanying me to networking events, and building my business dynasty. There are some things stopping me from getting my business where it needs to be: 1. Time 2. Mindset 3. Retention There are many ways I can improve how I spend my time from not wasting time on facebook or craigslist to cooking all of my meals for the week on a Sunday evening. I could plan all of my workouts a month in advance. Probably the biggest way I could improve how I spend my time would be to identify my 5% and what 95% of tasks I should be delegating.. I keep reading in blog posts that I should read certain books to improve my mindset. Maybe they are right but I think reflecting on what I ultimately want out of my training business is equally important. Some of the books I have been reading include ‘Networking is a Contact Sport and Psycho Cybernetics. Both books are great and I feel like I am improving. I am trying to start the 5+10+15=5 program. Lack of retention is a result of not having the correct systems in place from accountabillity to closing. I must have the right mindset to close the client when they first come in and actively listen to there problems so I can actually know if I can help them. I need to ask questions, peel like an onion, get them to open up to me on why they are really meeting with eme in the gym in the first place. Then and only then can I get the sale. Once I have the sale it is time for Client Cloner Magic to begin.