Adventure racing has grown from a relatively little known sport to millions of people participating and it will continue to get bigger. Probably the most common adventure race is Warrior Dash which started in 2009. Other races include Mud Ninja, Ruckus, and Tough Mudder. Here is a calender of adventure races in Ohio.
My own experience with Adventure racing is limited to the Warrior Dash which I did last year in Logan, Ohio and the Mud Ninja this sumer. The Warrior Dash is a 5 k race with 10-12 obstacles. In my mind I was not in very good shape at the time but when I was finished I was ready to go again. It is very exhilarating to run down a big hill with hundreds of people in the mud and then have to climb over walls, jump over cars, and crawl in the dark. The Mud Ninja is also a 5k race but it is an extremely challenging course with 20 obstacles and a very hilly terrain most people need to train for this one.
For next year I have set my sights on Tough Mudder which is a 10-12 mile adventure race with 25 obstacles designed by British Special Forces. To get ready for Tough Mudder I have enlisted a training partner who has much more endurance and is stronger than I am. I also play Australian Rules Football which combines lots of running with, kicking, hitting, and jumping. Training with someone who is stronger and has more endurance than you do will push you farther than you could otherwise go which is something most people need to get in great all around condition and complete a race such as this.
There is also an event World’s Toughest Mudder which has some of the fittest people on the planet doing a Tough Mudder course as many times as they can in 24 hours. There are three ways to enter this race first be in the top 5 % of finishers for your Tough Mudder race, secondly submit a wildcard application, and thirdly return for more after having been in the 2011 World’s Toughest Mudder.
I talked to my friend (Sheepdog) about the worst obstacles and they were jumping into freezing water, being completely submerged in 40 something degree weather and getting shocked at the end of another obstacle. He did not train specifically for the event but was in very good shape from the demands of his sport.
I think just about anyone who can run a mile can do a 5 k adventure race . You should not be scared. If I can do it you can as well. If you like getting dirty and challenging yourseIf do yourself a favor and sign up for an upcoming adventure race. If you feel you need help to get ready for an adventure race there are many ways to do so. One of the best ways is to join a gym with a group training atmosphere where you will run, jump, push, pull, and run.
The classes at Jackhammer Strength Training will help prepare you for your next race from your first 5k to Tough Mudder our staff can help you get to the next level. Our Columbus, Ohio personal trainers will get you where you need to be.
Jackhammer Strength Training Proud Member of Fitness Revolution Nation will be starting our very own adventure racing club. This club will have 2 extra workouts per week with a specific focus and will be outside when there is decent weather. Also 20% of all profits will go into a fund for adventure races during the year.
For more information call Nathan Jordan
at 614 499-4633