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Friday, February 26, 2016

Just because I can does not mean that I should!

The Crossfit Open 16.1 is happening.  Their are over 8,000 Crossfit gyms in the world and probably over 200,000 people will do the 16.1 workout.  I can do this workout but that does not mean that I should.  The 16.1 for a man includes walking lunges with a 95 pound bar overhead 8 burpees, 8 chest to bar pullups, and the walking lunges with the 95 pound bar again.  You do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.  Yes I know I can do this and I could probably get 6 rounds.  But will it make my life better?  No.  Will it get me closer to my goals?  No.

These are not the reasons though that I should not do this workout.  The reason I should not do this workout is that lunges hurt and not in a good way.  Lunges really hurt my left knee.  I can lunge but I should not lunge.  This is why I will not be doing the 16.1.

My workout today will make me better, will make me stronger, will not leave me so sore that I cannot function properly the next few days, and most importantly get me ready for Australian Rules Football season.  You see the workouts that hammerheads do not only make you ready for anything but they really do make you resilient against injury and sickness.

Case in point I get sick about once a year.  In my 8 years of playing arguably the most dangerous sport in the world I have only had two real injuries a bruised rib and a minor torn mcl and these were both before I started Jackhammer Strength Training and developed all of my training systems.

My workout today will consist of:

Zercher squats
Bench Press Lock Outs
Weighted Dips
Light Barbell Military Presses probably 3 sets of 8

for cardio 20-10 rounds on the:

airdyne bike
hitting the heavy bag
a jump variation
fast short range motion pushups

If you are going to do the 16.1 and the rest of the Crossfit Open good luck. This is almost certainly going to be the easiest of the Open. If you would like something with more variety and more emphasis on the power lifts as opposed to the Olympic lifts come on in for a free week of small group training at Jackhammer Strength Training located at 3002 McKinley Ave. Columbus, Oh 43204 very close to Upper Arlington, Grandview, and Hilliard.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Jackhammer Strength Training`s top 10 cardio exercises

When most people think of cardio they think of long slow distance cardio.  Yes that can be good but their are much better ways to do your cardio.  At Jackhammer Strength Training a fitness studio at 3002 McKinley Ave.  in Columbus Ohio we do what I call power cardio. I am going to list my top 10 favorite cardio exercises that we employ to get our personal training and small group training clients incredible results.

1. Battling Rope we do many variations but the double wave with a jump is my personal favorite

2. Medicine Ball slam this will really get your heart rate up when you slam the ball as hard as you can

3. Airdyne bike as you go faster you have to work harder and harder try going all out for 20 seconds rest for 20 seconds and see how many rounds you can go

4. Burpees our standard burpee is down to pushup position, back to your feet, and jump as high as you can

5. Jump rope we do not jump rope that often and should more it is a great exercise

6. Kettlebell swings once someone can hinge properly and learns how to swing without their back hurting this can really be a game changer

7. Band resisted froggy jumps help you get stronger, more powerful, and get your heart rate up all at the same time

8. Medicine ball granny throws throw the ball up as high as you can, let it land, and repeat, the only problem is when people get too strong for our little 20 pound medicine balls and we need to go outside and it is too cold or raining

9. Complexes I use about 30 complexes of 6 to 8 exercises in quick succession

10. Ring of Fire with resistance bands band press outs, band resisted sideways running, band lunges multiple variations, band froggy jumps, band extensions, backwards running

Notice their is no jogging on this list no being bored out of your mind on the elliptical.  If you want to be skinny and weak by all means go run long distances slowly.  If you want to be fit and ready for anything start lifting and doing metabolic work like the above exercises.  If you need some help come on in we have a bring a friend in promotion right now where you both get a free month of small group training.  If I gave you $150 you would want it right?  That is what this is worth.  Hope to see you tonight at 430 pm or 530 pm or Saturday morning at 930 am.

Call me if you have any questions

Nathan Jordan
614 499-4633

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Most Important Workout of Your Life!

The most important workout of your life is the one that you do not want to do, the one you are supposed to do today.  It is not the last workout you did or the hardest workout that you ever made it through.  It is the workout you are dreading.  The one you are making excuses for.  I have heard them all and I have said quite a few of them myself.  Things like I didn`t get enough sleep, I don`t have time, my back hurts, I don`t have a ride, the game is on, I have to work.  We all get 168 hours in a week.  Are you spending 20-30 hours a week online, watching tv, or netflix?  How would your life improve if you spent just 5 of those hours training regularly?

If you are like most people you are making excuses to not go to the gym.  As the day progresses it is easier and easier to make the excuses and not get your workouts in.  Your intentions do not matter what you actually do is what matters.  What is the easiest way to quit making excuses?  I have three answers to that question

1. train first thing in the morning no time to make excuses
2. find an accountability partner to hold you accountable
3. train today

When you do the workout that you do not want to do you are making it easier for all future workouts.  If you are truly dreading your workout you may need to change it up and that is extremely easy to do in this day and age with things like Groupon, Classpass, and google.

In Columbus, Ohio you have 87 different fitness offerings featured on Groupon

Jackhammer Strength Training is having a bring a friend month right now if anyone brings in a friend they both get a free month of small group training.  We have sessions at 6 am, 8 am, 430 pm, and 530 pm as wells as Saturdays at 930 am. 

Come check us out at:

3002 McKinley Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43204 in the Quarry Plaza right next to the Quarry apartments and Runaway Bay.

Train Today, Bring a Friend, Be Accountable