Sunday, December 31, 2017
Overall I am not a huge fan of the NASM training method but it makes a lot of sense for someone coming back from an injury. Stabilization, strength endurance, maximal strength, hypertrophy, and power
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, December 29, 2017
If you could choose one of these for the rest of your life which would it be unlimited speed, unlimited strength, unlimited endurance, or not feeling physical pain which would it be and why?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, December 28, 2017
First workout of vacation swim, 1 leg pistol squats in the water, sitting in the hot tub, and stretching.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Life ain't about how hard you can hit it's about how hard you can get hit and get back up. Rocky
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, December 25, 2017
Merry Christmas everyone in my life near and far past and present!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Happy Birthday Wes Campbell!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Comment, Like, and Share for a chance to win entry into our upcoming 7 weeks stronger challenge!

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, December 22, 2017
Is working out a goal you have, a habit you have, or part of your lifestyle?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
7 Weeks Stronger Challenge starts January, 15th. $100 which is less than $4 per workout. First 10 to sign up will get a knock off fit bit!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
A personal trainer I know has been to every gym within 15 or so miles of her facility so she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is better than the competition and giving her clients more. This helps her in many aspects including charging what many would think is insane $400 plus per month for small group training.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, December 17, 2017
What is your proudest fitness or athletic achievement and why?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, December 15, 2017
If you want to work out tomorrow come on in to Jackhammer Strength Training 930 am on Saturdays!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, December 14, 2017
I think I will lift something heavy tomorrow. Will you?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
7 Weeks Stronger Challenge starts January, 15th and concludes with a Strongman Event Party. Train up to 4 days a week. Become fitter, stronger, and more resilient!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
What types of workouts do you need more of? I need to swim more.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, December 11, 2017
If you are a business owner and someone asks you a question answer it. Thank you.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Where is all the uproar about the amount of electricity that bitcoin and other cryptocurrency mining uses?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, December 8, 2017
Strongman Saturdays are back 930 am 3002 McKinley Ave. Columbus, oh 43204 Jackhammer Strength Training! #gettingbetter #strongman #strongwomen
Jackhammer Strength Training
Quick anchored band workout!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Monday, December 4, 2017
I will be working on some IFTT recipes tomorrow try to automate some website stuff. Any tips appreciated.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Mobility exercises and what my workout was tonight.
Jackhammer Strength Training
I will be inventing some new squat variations today. Maybe someone somewhere has done what I will be doing later but I highly doubt it. Let`s just say it involves a homemade double landmine apparatus.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Ez curl drop set then dumbbell Extension drop set. My arms are on fire!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, December 1, 2017
What is your favorite piece of workout Equipment? What all do you do with it?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Jessica, Amanda wants to be your friend.
Jackhammer Strength Training
The rate of perceived exertion scale is a great way to realize how hard you are working. I think it should be a 10 point scale instead of 20. I always ask new clients how hard they are working 1 is sitting on the couch watching tv and 10 is they are dead. How hard are you working in your workouts?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Lifting heavy things can help your body burn calories at an elevated rate for up to 48 hours. Are you lifting anything heavy?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, November 27, 2017
That workout felt great! Do not wait until New Years to start training. The average New Year's Resolution Gym goer lasts 17 days. If you start today you will have a healthy New habit by then.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Today I will eat better. Today I will train smarter. Today I will get better.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, November 24, 2017
If you ate too much the past couple days. Come in to Jackhammer Strength Training tomorrow at 930 am for a workout!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Black Friday Special! Post 6 things you are grateful for. I will pick my favorite six and you will win 1 to 6 months of Free fitness training!
Jackhammer Strength Training
I was thinking about doing a Black Friday Special for Jackhammer Strength Training but decided to do something else. Post 6 things you are grateful for. My six favorites will all win Free training from 1 to 6 months.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Thank you! Very grateful for where I am today.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Jackhammer Strength Training will be open tomorrow at 6 am, 430 pm, 530 pm, closed Thursday and Friday. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Jackhammer Strength Training
I did 100% I fucking did it! When is the last time you said that? That is exactly what one of my clients said when she did her first box jump! I have said it to myself twice this week once when I did a hanging ab raise with a 136 pound tire attached with a band around my waist and once for the 514 pound elevated hex deadlift to simulate a car deadlift. I will deadlift a car next year. The key is finding an amateur strongman event with a car deadlift as part of the competition. I am going to do an exercise right now called I did 100%. All the certifications, knowledge, and experience mean nothing without the right mindset. I want this exercise to help you to take action towards the things you want in life regardless of what is currently stopping you. What is stopping you right now from achieving what you want to achieve? Think of something in your life that you are proud of. Think of the mindset you had when you accomplished that something. How did you feel? Were you passionate, excited, and ready to take on the world or did you have apprehension and fear? If you did it we both already know the answer. I am a certified mindset specialist but all that really means is that I am aware of how important mindset is. Are you aware that mindset is what is holding you back from being the best version of yourself? Why can`t we all have no fear like this little puppy we just got Rollo? She`s not even 7 weeks old and is not afraid of Crunch or Twixx! I have been aware of the power of mindset since third or fourth grade but I will use this example from my senior year of high school. I was reading “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior” by Dan Millman an Olympian before a soccer game. This book talks a lot about visualizing yourself doing and having already done the things you want to do. Does it work? I scored 5 goals that day on just 6 shots so yes it works! How can you improve your mindset? It starts with believing in yourself, visualizing yourself doing it, and then doing it, being relentless, and not stopping until you do it.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, November 17, 2017
A Setback is a Setup for a Come Back! Les Brown
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Can you do me a favor? Answer this little poll. What is the number one thing stopping you from starting or maintaining a fitness program? I will answer everyone individually. You will have my undying loyalty for your answers as it will help me be able to reach and help more people.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
The best workout program is not the hardest, it's not the easiest either, it is the one you stay consistent with. I have been consistent for 15 years!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, November 13, 2017
What do you consider strong? Asking for a friend.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, November 10, 2017
What is the best way to become great at making landing pages?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Monday, November 6, 2017
That was a good one! Tried Zercher carries for the first time and heavy Barbell front raises!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, November 5, 2017
I just bought 200 Kirby Pucketts on eBay! This might put me over a thousand. All ready on my second binder.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Is there something fitness or movement related that you wish you could do without pain? If you are over 35 it is likely and if you are over 35 and have been an athlete all your life it is even more likely. What is ailing you? What do you wish you could do again without pain? Having been a trainer for 11 years and seeing thousands of clients the most common issues in my experience are messed up shoulders for men and jacked up knees for women. How do you overcome your pain? Do you seek out professional hep? Do you find alternate activities? Do you press through it regardless of the pain?
Jackhammer Strength Training
You are a swirling vortex of limitless potential. That is the best line from lewis Howes latest 5 minute Friday instatement of The School of Greatness.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, November 3, 2017
The best workout for you is the one you can be consintent with. If you can find a Gym with a Trainer who cares, who customized things for individuals, and changes things up so much that people continue for multiple years you have found gold. If you have not found that then come on in!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
It always feels good when clients come back after a hiatus. But feels even better when they tell you they rode farther faster than they ever have before in less than 2 weeks back at it!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, October 30, 2017
I got an am workout in. This is a rarity for me even though I am at my Gym 3 mornings per week. Pull ups, squats, dumbbell bench, lateral raises, cleans, extensions, curls, military press. Lots of upper body exercises because my Lower body is extremely tight especially my hamstrings. Hopefully I will get in the pool and swim a bit this week.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Anyone want a week of free small group fitness training in Columbus, Ohio?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Excited for some people about to return to Jackhammer Strength Training! Hope to see you tomorrow 6 am, 430 pm, or 530 pm.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, October 20, 2017
This dip is amazing with the tomato basil crackers!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Sometimes when you have been training hard, Working too much, or not sleeping enough it is hard to get a quality workout in. When that happens just try to do a little bit. That little bit, that one set of pushups, lubges, or pull ups could keep you in it for the loby haul. That very nest workout could be the greatest workout of your life but if you had not done that little bit when you did not want to you would never get to have the amazing workout and feeling of accomplishment.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Who likes lifting weights and drinking beer?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Who likes lifting weights and drinking beer?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, October 16, 2017
New heavy bag is up, homemade rowing machine works, New foam roller, and no workout for me just some light stretching.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Saturday, October 14, 2017
An workout! Jackknifes, plank updowns, suitcase crunch, swimmers, Turkish get ups
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, October 13, 2017
Tonight my workout will be high box squats, cleans, dips, curls, and about work. What will your workout be?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, October 12, 2017
The Reason we do very minimal Olympic lifting is most people are not mobile enough to do them properly. Your shoulders, hips, and ankles all need lots of mobility. I have cleaned 200 pounds with my movement deficiencies. Going to start working cleans hard real soon.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
All I have to do is show up. I am struggling with a deep depression. I feel like crap. I feel weak and fat. If I come in through those doors I am fine. All I have to do is show up. This is basically what one of my clients said to me tonight. She is right all you have to do is show up. I am not going to punish you and make you do something you are not capable of doing or something that is likely to injure you. I run a small business Jackhammer Strength Training right here in Columbus, Ohio and yes I am a fitness trainer but more than that I am in the people business. I want you to succeed. I want you to come in 3, 4, or even 5 times a week. But some of you I would be ecstatic to see even twice a week. Sometimes I call, facebook message, text, and email people and still that is not enough. What else can I do to get you to show up. You want out of the depression caused by short days and cold dark nights, show up. Just come in through those doors you will meet some friendly faces, you will do some work, you might have some fun, you will learn something, and most importantly you will feel better. Usually when you walk through those doors you have no idea what is going to happen. Most of the time you probably think we are going to do a full body circuit because we often do. Today we followed personal training plans, did metabolic work 20-10 intervals for four rounds of seven exercises, and had a strength circuit. If you showed up today you would have possibly learned new lifts the snatch and the clean. You would have gotten stronger working on inverted rows, pullups, front squats, lunges, overhead presses, squat jumps,and even windmills. You would have worked every primal movement pattern and you would feel much better. You would have burned a good amount of calories during your session but perhaps more importantly you would be burning calories at an elevated rate for the next -24-48 hours due to EPOC excess post oxygen consumption due to the heavy resistance training. Maybe you are one of those people that says “I don`t have time to workout”. That is possible but ask yourself this. How much time do you spend on unnecessary things like facebook and watching tv. The average American spends about 30 hours per week watching tv. Even if you are only watching one third as much 10 hours per week that is still 10 hours you could potentially be training, working on getting better, improving your fitness, improving your health, and improving your life. Every one of you can show up but will you?
Jackhammer Strength Training
All I have to do is show up. I am struggling with a deep depression. I feel like crap. I feel weak and fat. If I come in through those doors I am fine. All I have to do is show up. This is basically what one of my clients said to me tonight. She is right all you have to do is show up. I am not going to punish you and make you do something you are not capable of doing or something that is likely to injure you. I run a small business Jackhammer Strength Training right here in Columbus, Ohio and yes I am a fitness trainer but more than that I am in the people business. I want you to succeed. I want you to come in 3, 4, or even 5 times a week. But some of you I would be ecstatic to see even twice a week. Sometimes I call, facebook message, text, and email people and still that is not enough. What else can I do to get you to show up. You want out of the depression caused by short days and cold dark nights, show up. Just come in through those doors you will meet some friendly faces, you will do some work, you might have some fun, you will learn something, and most importantly you will feel better. Usually when you walk through those doors you have no idea what is going to happen. Most of the time you probably think we are going to do a full body circuit because we often do. Today we followed personal training plans, did metabolic work 20-10 intervals for four rounds of seven exercises, and had a strength circuit. If you showed up today you would have possibly learned new lifts the snatch and the clean. You would have gotten stronger working on inverted rows, pullups, front squats, lunges, overhead presses, squat jumps,and even windmills. You would have worked every primal movement pattern and you would feel much better. You would have burned a good amount of calories during your session but perhaps more importantly you would be burning calories at an elevated rate for the next -24-48 hours due to EPOC excess post oxygen consumption due to the heavy resistance training. Maybe you are one of those people that says “I don`t have time to workout”. That is possible but ask yourself this. How much time do you spend on unnecessary things like facebook and watching tv. The average American spends about 30 hours per week watching tv. Even if you are only watching one third as much 10 hours per week that is still 10 hours you could potentially be training, working on getting better, improving your fitness, improving your health, and improving your life. Every one of you can show up but will you?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, October 9, 2017
Saturday, October 7, 2017
I have a great idea and amazing things could happen as a result of said idea.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, October 5, 2017
What's your biggest struggle when it comes to fitness?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
I will be going live later today at 410 pm with exercises to increase your hip mobility.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Jackhammer Strength Training Styles of Trainining.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Pr`s and Lifting Log Columbus, Ohio
The lifting log is one of the most important things you can do in the gym. Keeping track of what you do can be motivational, can be a guide, and an inspiration to others. Some people log everything, some log some things, some log personal records, and others log nothing.
Where do I lie in this spectrum? I keep track of probably about 90 percent of what I consider my workouts. If I do 1 set of pullups, pushups, or ab work, or even a couple of sets it is probably not going in my lifting log. However if I am following a plan it is almost always going in my log. I take my personal records seriously but not to the point that some people do. Some lifters now their maxes for all kinds of rep schemes. I know my all time prs on most lifts curl, rack pulls, clean, clean and press, log press, squat, box squat, hex bar deadlift, hex bar carry, hex bar off stepper, bench press with and without the bench daddy, pullups, turkish getups, weighted dips,dumbbell extensions, box jump height, Murph time, most pullups in a day, weighted pullup, kettlebell swings, hip thrust, 1 arm row, kettlebell 10 minute snatch test, 2 mile time.
Think about your records what are they? What records are you most proud of in the gym, on a track, riding a bike, or swimming? Do you keep track? If so why? If not why not?
I kept a very detailed excell spread sheet for 4 years from 2008-2012. My current lifting log is about a year and a half old. I have kept others at times but these are definitely my main ones. I can look back and see that I squatted x amount for x amount of reps and x amount of sets. This can guide me to progressing beyond that or getting back to it if I have concentrated on other parts of training and let some other lift go down for some reason. Yes sometimes personal records go down you cannot always hit the weights like you have in the past. My reasons for not hitting weights I could in the past are injuries and maybe reaching my maximum potential on certain lifts.
Take the bench press for example. In 2008 I benched 300 pounds but now if I bench over 205 pounds my right shoulder hurts. This is why I used the bench daddy when I bench. It takes away shoulder pain and allows me to train with a weight that I can get a training effect with for what I am after building strength. With the bench daddy recently probably 4 weeks ago ( I do not have my lifting log in front of me right now) I hit 255 pounds for 6 reps about 3 months ago I did 290 with the bench daddy. The bench daddy is a band that goes around your triceps and as you go down the band goes out a bit, when you come up the tension from the band helps you lift the weight off your chest, takes stress off of your shoulders, and can relieve shoulder pain.
At Jackhammer Strength Training a small group training, personal training, and 24 hour facility we have a PR board for those interested in PR’s. On our pr board is bench, clean and press, deadlift, squat, pullups, and rack pulls. As a trainer who was nicknamed human calculator in college I can look at the pr board and know what weight someone should use to hit a certain number of reps. If Kris can bench 200 pounds 1 time then he should be able to hit 150 pounds for 10 reps, if I want him to have 6 challenging reps probably 165 pounds. Even for those without numbers on the board I still have a very good idea of what types of weights for people to use for various rep schemes as well as for timed durations since usually we are in a metabolic format.
If you would like to benefit from my 20 plus years in the gym, and over 30,000 hours of fitness training sessions come on in to Jackhammer Strength Training 3002 McKinley AVe, Columbus, Oh 43204
Nathan Jordan
Bachelor`s Sport Management Wellness & Fitness Track
614 499-4633
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Team Training in Columbus Ohio
Hey it`s Nate here with Jackhammer Strength Training. I have been in the trenches lifting, learning, and training for 23 years, owned my own gym for over 6 years, am an Amateur Strongman, Amateur Australian Rules Football player, and former strength and conditioning coach for an amateur team. Why am I telling you all of this? Because I am ready to take on you and your team as training clients.
What can you expect from team training? Results, accountability, learning new lifts, fitness challenges. If someone needs to get stronger they will get stronger, if someone needs more power they will get more power, if someone needs to lose weight they will lose weight. I can help you and your team mates reach their physical potential.
Team training at Jackhammer will be less than 8 people. We have several time slots available but could potentially add more. We use barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, strongman implements, and resistance bands. We follow 23 different training systems to create one huge system. Is it like Crossfit? No, we are not like Crossfit we do not run very much, we do not use rowing machines, we do not do kipping pullups, we definitely do have some similarities though.
Why do I think I can help you and your team? Success stories that`s why and this is what I do. Jill was an Ironman Triathlete who joined our small group training classes she could not train very often as she was very busy trying to become an orthopedic surgeon. Jill came in twice a week for a year and qualified for Nationals in Half Ironman while training considerably less. Bridget dropped 60 pounds and went from 0 to 40 pushups.
My personal records include a 514 pound hex bar deadlift, 27 pullups at 205, and a 700 pound rack pull. Unless you are playing at the professional level or very high college level you most likely have not reached your potential. I can help you reach your potential.
Potential team training times include 515 am, 7am, 930 am, 330 pm, and 630 pm.
Jackhammer Strength Training
3002 McKinley Ave. Columbus, Oh 43204
614 499-4633
What can you expect from team training? Results, accountability, learning new lifts, fitness challenges. If someone needs to get stronger they will get stronger, if someone needs more power they will get more power, if someone needs to lose weight they will lose weight. I can help you and your team mates reach their physical potential.
Team training at Jackhammer will be less than 8 people. We have several time slots available but could potentially add more. We use barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, strongman implements, and resistance bands. We follow 23 different training systems to create one huge system. Is it like Crossfit? No, we are not like Crossfit we do not run very much, we do not use rowing machines, we do not do kipping pullups, we definitely do have some similarities though.
Why do I think I can help you and your team? Success stories that`s why and this is what I do. Jill was an Ironman Triathlete who joined our small group training classes she could not train very often as she was very busy trying to become an orthopedic surgeon. Jill came in twice a week for a year and qualified for Nationals in Half Ironman while training considerably less. Bridget dropped 60 pounds and went from 0 to 40 pushups.
My personal records include a 514 pound hex bar deadlift, 27 pullups at 205, and a 700 pound rack pull. Unless you are playing at the professional level or very high college level you most likely have not reached your potential. I can help you reach your potential.
Potential team training times include 515 am, 7am, 930 am, 330 pm, and 630 pm.
Jackhammer Strength Training
3002 McKinley Ave. Columbus, Oh 43204
614 499-4633
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Strongman competitions have a ton of different events many of which have very specialized equipment. You are not going to find many gyms with an appolon wheel or fingals fingers. How are you going to get ready for a competition when you do not have the implements you will be using? You will probably be much better off if you can practice using the implements that will be in your competition. But if not just try to get as strong as possible in similar types of movements.
If you are getting ready for a yoke carry you might want to carry a barbell on your back like you are going to squat. If I were training for the Appolon wheel which I have never done I would really want to load up one side of my body more than the other. Maybe I would try anchoring heavy resistance bands to a wall with one end on my hip and walk in a semi circle while carrying a huge dumbbell or barbell maybe I would add a weight vest or chains too.
If you are getting ready for stones and do not have atlas stones just start picking up big rocks. Tire hummer deadlifts do rack pulls from various heights. Try doing them with double over hand grips, then alternate grips, and then with straps.
Want to be prepared for a frame carry find a hex bar and carry lots of weight for short periods of time and sometimes carry lighter weights for long periods of time.
Need to get the log press up and do not have a log get strong in military presses, do incline bench presses, weighted dips, do neutral dumbbell clean and presses.
Need to squat more do box squats to various heights, get a training partner, use bands and chains for accommodating resistance.
Fingals Fingers are very specialized and the only thing close that could be done in my gym would be huge tire flips.
Car deadlift practice make a homemade double landmine press, hook up a 7 foot barbell in both holes, put 45 pound weight plates on the end at least for the start, rest them on top of cinder blocks, stand between them and pull, add weight as needed. If you do not have a double land mine press but have a hex bar do elevated hex bar pulls off of steppers, wood, or cinder blocks.
Other great versatile tools for the gym are kegs and sandbags.
At Jackhammer Strength Training in Columbus, Ohio we have 4 different sized tires, a platform and atlas stones, a keg, a sandbag, medicine balls, hex bar, double land mine press, squat racks, a reverse hyper, barbells, dumbbells, resistance bands, battling rope, barbells, hip thrusts, and airdyne bikes for intense conditioning.
If you are looking for an intro to strongman training, personal training, powerlifting, small group training, personal training, or just improving your overall health in Columbus, Ohio you should check us out. We are at 3002 McKinley Ave. in the quarry plaza just off Riverside and W.5th ave very close to Upper Arlington, Grandview, and Hilliard.
Please call Nate at 614 499-4633 to schedule your first session!
If you are getting ready for a yoke carry you might want to carry a barbell on your back like you are going to squat. If I were training for the Appolon wheel which I have never done I would really want to load up one side of my body more than the other. Maybe I would try anchoring heavy resistance bands to a wall with one end on my hip and walk in a semi circle while carrying a huge dumbbell or barbell maybe I would add a weight vest or chains too.
If you are getting ready for stones and do not have atlas stones just start picking up big rocks. Tire hummer deadlifts do rack pulls from various heights. Try doing them with double over hand grips, then alternate grips, and then with straps.
Want to be prepared for a frame carry find a hex bar and carry lots of weight for short periods of time and sometimes carry lighter weights for long periods of time.
Need to get the log press up and do not have a log get strong in military presses, do incline bench presses, weighted dips, do neutral dumbbell clean and presses.
Need to squat more do box squats to various heights, get a training partner, use bands and chains for accommodating resistance.
Fingals Fingers are very specialized and the only thing close that could be done in my gym would be huge tire flips.
Car deadlift practice make a homemade double landmine press, hook up a 7 foot barbell in both holes, put 45 pound weight plates on the end at least for the start, rest them on top of cinder blocks, stand between them and pull, add weight as needed. If you do not have a double land mine press but have a hex bar do elevated hex bar pulls off of steppers, wood, or cinder blocks.
Other great versatile tools for the gym are kegs and sandbags.
At Jackhammer Strength Training in Columbus, Ohio we have 4 different sized tires, a platform and atlas stones, a keg, a sandbag, medicine balls, hex bar, double land mine press, squat racks, a reverse hyper, barbells, dumbbells, resistance bands, battling rope, barbells, hip thrusts, and airdyne bikes for intense conditioning.
If you are looking for an intro to strongman training, personal training, powerlifting, small group training, personal training, or just improving your overall health in Columbus, Ohio you should check us out. We are at 3002 McKinley Ave. in the quarry plaza just off Riverside and W.5th ave very close to Upper Arlington, Grandview, and Hilliard.
Please call Nate at 614 499-4633 to schedule your first session!
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