Sunday, September 23, 2018
Did you hit any personal records in the gym this week?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, September 17, 2018
What is your favorite breakfast? Mine is eggs over easy with wheat toast and bacon.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Are you training or just exercising? If you want to train towards a specific goal let's chat and see if we are a good fit!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, September 10, 2018
Have you ever started a fitness routine and then stopped. I did 9 years in a row. Why did you stop?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Starts next Monday. If you end up being the only person in the challenge you have 100 percent chance of winning!

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Thursday PM sessions 445 will have a theme. Tomorrow is animal hub wheels!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Tomorrows workout is at 930 am. Also Friday nights are gone replaced with Thursdays at 445 PM. Tomorrow will be a rounds of 10 workout with an ascending descending first set. If you are curious what that means come on in!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, August 20, 2018
Are you training for something?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Who needs help creating their home gym? 12 years as a trainer and, 24 years in weight rooms, and 7 years 8 months as a gym owner I can help you create a home gym for an affordable price with a year long training plan!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
3 new people in the gym this week. I would love 3 more. Who wants a workout?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Jackhammer Strength Training has been open for 7 years and 8 months . Who wants to get in the best shape they can right now?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Do more of the things you know you should do more of and you will feel better!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Who wants to improve their endurance?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, August 2, 2018
I think I am great at what I do but still after training thousands of people it is hard to explain the kind of gym that Jackhammer Strength Training is. How would you explain what we do?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
You will feel better if you workout. For me this is almost always true. Even if I do not want to workout I often do. It makes me feel good. If certain parts of my body are extremely sore I train around those ailments. If my back is sore I am not doing deadlifts, or swings, or snatches, or bent over rows. If my shoulders are really sore I am not doing pullups, overhead pressing, or benching. If you are bored with your training or not training at all come on in and try out Jackhammer Strength Training. Do not let the name fool you. We cover many aspects of fitness not just strength. p..s. we have room for 3 more people at 445 p,m. Monday and Wednesday, and Friday at 430 pm.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, July 30, 2018
Monday is my favorite day of the week. That is when I have the most people come back to train with me. Is today the Monday that you come back? I sure hope so! #jackhammerstrengthtraining
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Just like the Build a Bear Promotion! Your age is how much you pay. If you are 25 years old $25 a month for small group training or $25 personal training sessions. Text 614 499-4633 to schedule your first session.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Buildabod Program! Whatever your age is that's how much you pay. If you are 25 years old $25 a month for small group training or $25 personal training sessions, 35 years old just $35 a month or $35 sessions. First time customers only!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
It happens to the best of us, winter comes and with it... the winter weight. No judgment, it happens to the best of us, am I right?! It's time to shed that winter coat FOR GOOD. Don't get sucked into a "free" month with a gym, only to discover it's not really free... Instead, let Jackhammer Strength Training get you ready for the summer months. Right now we're gifting you $100 towards a personal training package! That means working out with a trainer for an entire month 'for FREE, NO STRINGS ATTACHED! Comment here to claim your $100 gift and kick start your epic transformation.

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Jackhammer Strength Training will be closed tomorrow but will be having a 6am session on Tuesday! Hope to see you there. Who would like to win 3 free months of training?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, May 17, 2018
The gym will look a little different next week!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Anyone in Columbus, Ohio make amazing websites interested in getting fitter than they have ever been?

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
2 people returned this week after a long brake. Anyone else ready to get in shape for summer?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
What are your favorite bands to listen to when you workout? Mine are Motorhead, Metallica, Rage Against The Machine.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Someone could train hard for years thinking they know the best way. Then maybe they find someone that knows a better way and could improved in weeks or months more than they had in years. Jackhammer Strength Training could be that one. When I started personal training 12 years ago I thought I new a ton. When I started my gym 7 years ago I thought I knew more than just about anyone. 12 years in and I am learning about tiny things that make a huge difference. Things most people do not think about like work to rest ratio in complexes, the importance of breathing and rib positioning in an overhead press, the differences in dynamic and static stretching, when to do dynamic stretches and when to do static stretches, how long in the eccentric and concentric phases of a movement, training a move with a different type of apparatus for a different result.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, March 25, 2018
I will get 5 workouts in this week with 1 in a pool! How many workouts will you get in this week?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Jackhammer Strength Training keeps having former clients come back. What are you doing right now for your fitness?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
I can motivate you to a certain extent but if you have intrinsic motivation to reach a goal and me by your side you will crush your goals. Your ceiling for what you think yuou can or cannot reach will rise, you will get better, and raise your ceiling to a whole nother level!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, March 9, 2018
2 major announcements. First our pm sessions are changing to Mondays and Wednesdays at 445 pm and 6 pm. Fridays will still be 430 pm and 530 pm. Second go to settings, news feed preferences. Prioritize who to see first. That way you will know what we are up to, when we make changes, and when amazing things are happening!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Anyone in Columbus get off work before 430 today and want an amazing workout comment here!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, March 8, 2018
I find it ironic that after going to something for over 5 years consistently a certain saying finally makes sense.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Who all do I know that uses air bnb? If you do do you stay at them or rent rooms out or both? Thanks.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Gratitude board is back up at Jackhammer Strength Training! Entering GSD Mode now!
Jackhammer Strength Training
I do not like to ask for help. Prayers are much appreciated. Thanks.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Great day to grill some steaks!
Jackhammer Strength Training
What do you want to improve the most about your health or fitness?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, March 5, 2018
Who is the best dog trainer you know of in the Columbus, Ohio area?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Laura Marie, my friend Kristopher Hysell is thinking about trying to get a job with the postal service. I thought you might have some insights for him. Hope all is well.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, March 2, 2018
I became a believer that how you breathe really does help you lift. After reading an email talking about breathing and rib positioning I tried it out. I can overhead press 80 pounds with my left any day of the week but have trouble doing over 35 with my right often times. Today after doing just one breathing exercise I was able to press the 80 pounder with both my left and right without pain. Thanks!
Jackhammer Strength Training
1111. I know what I am wishing for.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Friday, February 23, 2018
“The hard truth is this: greatness requires more grit, determination, character and persistence than nearly any member of the human race are willing to develop.” (Pound The Stone)
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Are any of my Columbus friends Zumba, yoga, turbokick, bodypump, cardio kick boxing, or insanity trainers? Do you know anyone that is? I would like to add all of these and more to Jackhammer Strength Training!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, February 16, 2018
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Tax Time Baller Plan 1 Year Small Group Training 3 days per week $1200 Check in on Facebook 3 times per week Get $100 Back Each and Every Month *1st time and returning customers only
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Tell me What are you grateful for today?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, February 12, 2018
Going live in about 7 minutes for Rollo reunion! Crunch will be so excited.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Got Rollo back . Now only I am lost.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Rollo might be at the Circleville dog shelter!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, February 9, 2018
Planks are good. Side planks with a band row are better. High band planks are better. Optimus side plank holding kettlebell is best!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Don't give up. Don't ever give up. Thank you Jimmy V for one of the most powerful quotes ever!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Next time I do a doubler workout the four moves I choose will not be for the same body part.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
I am not expecting anyone this morning as it is nasty out but I am here for you just like I have been here for the past 7 years. Today's workout a doubles. Made famous by Martin Rooney. This is an intense workout an example would be 8 bench presses with body weight, 16 pull ups, 32 dips, and 64 pushups.
Jackhammer Strength Training
I am watching a movie I never thought I would watch.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
A former client of mine is looking for a great gym with fun toys in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I tagged you both.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, February 5, 2018
At the dog shelter again. Fingers crossed.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Today's workout included as many sit ups as possible in 90 seconds. Cindy did 61. We also had a high band plank for 90 seconds. Cindy made it through that one as well. All Hammerheads made it through the 3 minute snatch test. Consistency beats intensity over years. Cindy has been coming to Jackhammer Strength Training for over 6 years!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, February 2, 2018
Long rounds 3 minutes heavy bag, jump rope, granny throws, row, bike, carry! Go as hard as you can and switch to an ab exercise when needed.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, January 29, 2018
Have you seen Rollo? Call 614 499 4633 if found.

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Rollo has been missing since Thursday. Please call 614 499 4633 if found. Share with the world. Thanks.

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, January 26, 2018
So many people think all we do is lift heavy stuff. That could not be further from the truth. Multiple days this week with no heavy things lifted. Tonight`s workout Rounds of 1050 50 Jumping Jacks / Bike 10 Lunges 50 Double rope waves 10 Bench presses / pushups 50 Calf raises 10 Tire flips 50 leg flutters 10 Straight leg situps into airplane 50 Mountain climbers 10 RenegadeRows The slash indicates either or.....Start at the top...round 1, round 1,2, round 1,2,3 etc by the end you will have done 500 jumping jacks, 90 lunges, 400 double rope waves, 70 bench presses etc on and on....way to crush a friday night Nate...Thanks :)
Jackhammer Strength Training
Please help find Rollo! Your shares are greatly appreciated. If found call Nate 614 499 4633

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Do you know anyone who is pregnant or recently had a baby?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
7 years as a gym owner and only 2 things left on my wishlist. If you have not been in to Jackhammer Strength Training for over 6 months and you guess what one of them is I will give you a free month!
Jackhammer Strength Training
”Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed." Booker T. Washington What are some of your favorite quotes?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, January 22, 2018
It may not look like much but their are more exercises done in this space every week than in huge commercial gyms every day. Just today we had 2 completely different workouts with about 40 exercises!

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, January 21, 2018
HEY! If you're my Facebook friend and we don't normally talk- SAY HEY!!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. Are you going to help someone? Are you going to help yourself?
Jackhammer Strength Training
My favorite lift has changed many times over the years. In high school it was the leg press. At 22 it was the hack squat. At 27 it was seated dip drop sets. At 34 the hex bar deadlift. At 35 and 36 rack pulls. Then it was car simulated deadlifts using the double landmine. Now it is deadstop zercher squats. #jackhammerstrengthtraining
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, January 18, 2018
I have trained Ironman triathletes to stroke victims and every type of person in between. I like training all types of people and can make modifications for anyone. When I started my gym 7 years ago I wanted my niche to be powerlifting and strongman. 7 years later I still do not have a niche but if I did I think it would be for those with chronic pain and debilitating conditions like Fibromyalgia, MS, Parkinsons, and Arthritis. Their are over 400 gyms in Columbus, Ohio but to my knowledge their is nobody with this niche. #jackhammerstrengthtraining
Jackhammer Strength Training
My gym has been open 7 years. I have been a personal trainer for 12 years. I started online personal training 11 years ago. Time to step it up.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Tried but failed 700 pound elevated hex bar desdlifts to celebrate 7 years in business! I did get 630 pounds though for a big pr. Pizzafire!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Jan. 17th is National Broken Resolutions Day!Jackhammer Strength Training has officially been open for 7 years today!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
I just saw the Last Jedi. Overall I liked it.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Who wants to lift atlas stones, do simulated car deadlifts, flip tires, and get stronger? If that sounds awesome to you come on in tomorrow 6 am, 430 pm, 530 pm 3002 McKinley Ave. Columbus, oh.

via Jackhammer Strength Training
This starts tomorrow. 5 years ago our small groups averaged 10 people now they average 4 but I still charge the same amount. You are getting something better than personal training here for under $5 a session. See you tomorrow at 6 am, 430 pm, or 530 pm.

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Saturday, January 13, 2018
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.Theodore Roosevelt
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, January 12, 2018
I read a Steve Jobs book today. I should read more. What are you reading?
Jackhammer Strength Training
7 years of owning a gym in Columbus, Ohio. What have I learned? Not everyone is capable of doing all lifts. Their is a time and place to make things easier and harder. Everyone should be screened when they come in so they can do things safely and appropriate for them. Retention is hard. Getting leads is hard. Converting leads other than referrals is hard. Converting referrals is easy. Getting referrals is hard. Complexes suck. Complexes are awesome for condioning purposes. Burpees suck, deadlifts variations are awesome. Lots of people hate deadlifts because it hurts their hands. If you get stronger at deadlifting you get stronger at everything. I am very creative with my training. I almost have all the gym toys I want. You cannot please everyone. Sometimes you have to fire clients. You become very close to clients. You miss some clients a lot more than they know. I have lots of training systems 23 but I have 5 go to styles that I use the most metabolic circuits, rounds of 10, 20-10s, long rounds, and 5 sets of 5. You can make year long personal training plans for every client but they will not like them as they are too structured and boring. Email list used to make me very upset when people would opt out. Now people just do not open emails often enough. I have been a generalist training for 12 years and it is time to become a specialists. Although I have trained thousands of people the ones I enjoy training the most are older than 50 and athletes. I have made a stroke victim slightly better. I have helped an Iron man Triathletes get better while training less. I have inspired others to become trainers. I have helped people with their first adventure race, first 5 k, first half marathon, prepare for surfing and skiing. I have helped people lower their blood pressure, lower their cholesterol, lose weight,get stronger, get faster, become more resilient, become better cyclists, lose back pain, get stronger, but most importantly In have helped people feel better about themselves. It feels awesome to get through a hard workout especially if you do not think you can. People get much better results in a small group setting than in a personal training setting. Camaraderie and competition make groups better. Music can make or break a workout. I have had 15 different trainers and 5 admins. I am not good at delegating. I still need to improve in regards to technology. People do not value free. I need to get better at delivering nutrition programming. It is exciting to get new equipment and learn new lifts. Personal records are awesome, need to be acknowledge, and achieved on a regular basis. Deal of the days sites no longer get clients. Classless is horrible from my perspective as a gym owner. Working more hours does not mean more money. Training goes far beyond just physical changes. It can bring one out of sleep depression and keep you out. Most clients love when you bring a puppy or baby. I need a system to get clients back in after they have babies. 26 sessions a week is too many and 10 might not be enough. Even if people have a key to a gym they are not likely to use it on their own. Clients are helpful. Clients are family. Your body is the most important piece of equipment. Even when you fell bad if you get a workout in you almost always feel better. Not everyone can do a pull up. Most people have back and or shoulder injuries at some point. Their are many ways to rehab an injury. 45 to 50 minute sessions are better than hour sessions. I need to make more workout videos. Eventually you might not be able to get stronger but you can still get fitter. Not everyone comes to me to get stronger some people come to me for their cardio. It feels great when people return after long layoffs. Come on back and you might get a hug.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Who wants free fitness training? We are giving away $100 gift cards to everyone for our 7 weeks stronger challenge! Here`s how to enter: Like this post Like Jackhammer Strength Training if you. Tag 3 of your friends

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Who wants free fitness training? We are giving away $100 gift cards to everyone for our 7 weeks stronger challenge! Here`s how to enter: Like this post Like Jackhammer Strength Training if you. Tag 3 of your friends

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Anyone have a kucoin referral code? Jane Orafu Nikola Anton Badurina
Jackhammer Strength Training
Monday, January 8, 2018
Why are onions a stable on burgers and not green peppers that was quite tasty!
Jackhammer Strength Training
Roundsof 10 workout! I only got 7 rounds in but I started with rack pulls. My first workout of the year. Felt good. I do not workout in the mornings often.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Sunday, January 7, 2018
In my gym over 7 years I have gone from completely random workouts to specific personal training plans for every client to plans incorporating every major muscle using 23 different training systems. I have even made complexes specific for every client. Not everyone can do an exercise properly and not everyone should do an exercise. If you do things you are capable doing, do a little more over time, and are consistent you will improve immensely over the years. My best lifts are quite impressive to lots of people but their are people way stronger than me. Their will always be someone fitter and stronger than you. But you can be fitter and stronger than you were. Trust the process. If you just want to get stronger 5x5 or 531 are my favorite systems. If you truly want to be in shape find something you love and do it consistently. If you have not found something fitness related that you love come try out Jackhammer Strength Training. Lots of people love it. Cindy has been coming for over 6 years, Jeff 5 years, Bob 5 years, Wes 5 years. If you read all this, live in Columbus, and do not come in, I will be sad. Nate
Jackhammer Strength Training
Saturday, January 6, 2018
What is your why? Why do you work out? When your why to work out becomes stronger than your why not too you will become consistent.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Friday, January 5, 2018
Jackhammer Strength Training has an A+ with the Better Business Bureau. Offers small group training, personal training, and even online training. Does anyone want to get in shape this Year? Bueller?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Small group training typically costs $25 per session this is less than $4. You could do online training with me for $100 per month instead. Which sounds better?

via Jackhammer Strength Training
Nobody works out on Fridays?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Nobody works out on Fridays?
Jackhammer Strength Training
Thursday, January 4, 2018
4.4, 6.7, 17, 25, and 117 percent that is how much the 5 cryptocurrencies I plan on purchasing went up in the past 24 hours.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Magic pill, yes that is what so many people want when it comes to weight loss and fitness. Unfortunately it does not exist but their is something close. Combining compound lifts, metabolic resistance training, and a nutrition plan geared towards ones goals good things tend to happen.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Felt great to be back in the gym today! Hope to see some more Hammerheads and future Hammerheads on Friday.
Jackhammer Strength Training
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
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